I'm finally back on internet from what seems like a nightmare.i had dail-up internet for almost 11yrs and the company did away with it and i had to go to high speed internet.which means you have to have special modem kit which was suppose to be mailed to me thru-UPS that was never ordered. guess the girl that took the order forgot to submit it.must be mercury retrograde starting early LOL. so i spent countless hours with tech.support waiting mostly on hold.each tech.support assistant telling me different story one saying you'll rec' the part on the day of installation. Nota.never rec'd. called again another tech.agent saying dont see that part was ever ordered.called again and again LOL.finally went and bought my own part and it cost me 80.00 which the company suppose to send me gift card for the reinburse me.then i had to set up and another pc system which not to difficult except it dosent work like my old pc.had alittle bit of difficulty with that.
this whole ordeal with pc and high speed internet just stressed me out to the max. last night first night slept well in long time. so
anyway back on line "thank you God".
most people and family and friends couldn't help.my son says he's not pc savvy.so my point is if im to get back on line once again going to have to do this myself. guess what:
im amazed that i was able to put it all together and hook up to internet myself. never knew had this in me.LOL
anyway want to say im still alive and back on line.such a good feeling!!
love and light and many blessing too!! love marylen
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