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Saturday, March 5, 2011

"all nature is acting if it we're one organism.even people feel different during various seasons and some people get depressed in winter and fall in love in springtime.biochemically certain changes in your body corresponds to the movement of our planet.all of nature is a symphony and we're part of it".Deepak Chopra

simplicity is a keynote of my kingdom.choose simple things always. love and reverence .the humble and the simple.have only simple things here.your standards must never be the world's standards!! daily devotional

we're going into a bumpy-ride for next few in said in my last post "this is the best of times and this is the worst of times".i feel the middle-east after all said and done will beome the peacemakers of the world.

endings and new beginnings simultaneously.before we get to the new beginning we go thru-a void.there anew creativity is born.there on a spiritual level we connect to all life.. i know as i went thru it.we will realize that we're much more then we ever thought !!

love frequency being activated one person at a time.i see so much more compassion in the world than ever'll be flooded with feelings of love..this is the unfolding of the soul...finally.(took eon's to emerge)

"the human race will unify as a single and galactic sound transmissions will inundate the planetary field.a current charging both poles will race across the skies connecting the polar auroras in a single brillant flash".jose arguelles

"self-trust is the first secret of sucess".ralph waldo emerson

i have really been out of sorts lately.i been planning on writing this
blog since last week. i having foggy-thinking.havent had this in several yrs.also having alot of headaches and shooting pains in my left thinking this is from solar-flares(cme).im trying to stay calm and hopefully they'll disappear!! solar activity is know to affect the central nervous system and human consciousness,thats probably what's causing my anxiety especially middle of the highly sensitive to all the elements out there.

luke 8:17 for nothing is secret,that shall not be made manifest:neither anything hid,that shall not be made known and come aboard...king james bible

"dont judge each-day by the harvest you reap,but by the seed's you plant".
robert louis stevenson

think i have wrote enough for today..keep smiling and many blessings!! love marylen


  1. hello Marylen....another LOvingly worded blog...true we are in for a rough ride that some parts of the world have begun to feel already...the great shift has begun & it will get worse before it gets better, so it's extremely important to stay harmoniously balanced with Mother-Earth as best we can...always sending her our Support, LOve & Respect & never focus or be absorbed in fear, as this breaks our connection. So many millions of people that are still asleep, complacent to the powers of Nature are in for a quite a shock ! The Heart is our strong-hold center & spiritual link to All that re-enforcement through focus, meditation, listening to our inner voice is key 'Now'...this should help your current ailments improve...the Sun is becoming much more active & will continue to as she sends magnetic healing to Mother-Earth...All part of the sacred balance from the balancing of a small pebble to the balance of the's All about the balance...always has been...our world has existed for thousands of year & mankind is so naive to think that we are in control... typically not seeing the forest for the trees...much of the mind is conformed illusion from past conditioning...we must break free & keep focused on the ever present energy of 'Now'...this is where the truth is found & the truth will set you Free....~ Take Care...~

  2. wonderfully said i agree 100% thank you lily-girl

  3. Thank you for those wonderful quotes~ they seem to have their fingers on that which is unchanging in these changing times!
